This option is available exclusively to you if you are already covered for extended health care benefits through a spouse’s plan or another group plan. This plan enables you to protect your income in case of sickness or injury, something that your spouse’s or another group plan cannot offer you.
You must be a permanent part time or casual employee under the age of 65 and working 18 hours and above per week on average. Also, if at any time in the future you should lose your spousal or other group health benefits for any reason, you and any family members will be guaranteed extended health care coverage through Health Care Providers. (some conditions may apply)
Please Note: Because you are applying outside of a 60-day open window, this coverage will be medically underwritten, and you must submit form 3 along with your application. You have the option to increase your Life Insurance and Long-Term Disability as well as purchase additional coverage for a spouse and/or a child(ren). Form 3, 4, 5 and 6 are required.
For further details regarding the coverage and forms to enroll, click on the button below.